
Monday, January 3, 2011

Oh yeah...Hi!

So... I realized that I sort of started this blog without even introducing myself. 

Hi!  I'm Laura!

I really need to have a good photo taken one of these days!
I have been married to the man of my dreams (seen in the previous post) for 5 years and have one biological son, Cole who is 3 1/2.  I am also lucky enough to be a wicked step-mother to 3 beautiful young adults -- Caily 19, Grace 17 and Christian 13.
seriously... aren't they beautiful.  I can only take partial credit for one.
My husband, young son and I just moved to Connecticut from Syracuse, NY for my husband's dream job and to be closer to the kids.  We own a home in Syracuse, which we are renting to a family member, and are renting an apartment here until we can find the perfect house in the perfect location here in CT.  We are excited about our new lives in our new location.

My husband really does have the best job ever!
Back in Syracuse I worked as an event planner for a local non-profit AND I taught 6 classes a week (or more) at a dance studio in one of the suburbs.  

I have been an actor, singer, dancer and/or choreographer for countless musical theater productions for Syracuse theater companies, high schools and my college alma mater.  Choreographing is what I love to do more than anything else.  It doesn't really pay the bills though so a day job is in the cards for me, and I'm 'OK' with that.

After being a stay-at-home mom for the last 2 months, I'm more than ready to get back to having some sort of adult, professional life and getting to know other people here.  I love my child more than anything in the whole world, but I'm not cut out to be a stay-at-home mom.  I'm a great mom (if I do say so myself) -- just not a great stay-at-home mom.  

My loves (besides my family, of course) include (but are not limited to) dance, photography, planning parties, football, bargain hunting and reality t.v (yeah, I know-- don't judge).  I'm not great at all of these, and in some cases I'm not even GOOD at them, but they are all things that I feel a real passion for.  
Isn't that detail gorgeous?!
I really dislike exercising, although I know I desperately need to get back to it, am a REALLY picky eater, which is something that I wish I could change about myself, have a total irrational fear of the dentist and have a huge pet peeve about being late.  I'm kinda quirky and a little neurotic but I'm hoping that once I have some followers that they (well, you I guess if you're reading this), will stick with me because I've got a lot to share.
Welcome to my journey in the blogosphere.  I hope you'll come along for the ride! 

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post, Laura! What a great family!! This just confirms why we've been friends for so long...from one picky eater to another, yay for your new blog!! :)


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