
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Perfect Notebook

I have been wanting a couple of new notebooks (I kinda love notebooks-- weird I know)

I wanted to have a way to keep some of my son's crazy ramblings/funny comments/cute mispronunciations all in one place so that some day we can all have a good laugh at the things that came out of his mouth. Right now I have dozens of little papers all over the place with Cole-isms on them.

I have also been looking for a place to keep some of our family traditions written down- so that we can pass them down to the next generation.  We didn't have too many traditions when I was growing up, but the few that we did mean a great deal to me to this day.
my most favorite notebook ever
I have a favorite notebook that I used to keep myself organized with everything that was involved with our move.  I love the size, I love that it is hard covered AND spiral bound (so I can rip out pages if I make a mistake- see I'm a perfectionist too), and I love the pattern/colors.  I have been looking for something that I will love just as much and want bring out all the time.  Most people would just buy a notebook.  Not this chick!  
I've looked a bunch of places.  I just have not found 'it'.  I DID find a couple of options however that MAY work if I don't find something better.

In the dollar bins at Michael's I found these beauties:

They are the perfect size-- almost exactly what I have been looking for.  The patterns are so cute and the colors are great.  In this case I actually really LIKE the fact that they are not spiral bound because I want these to be keepsakes of sorts and I wouldn't want the pages to accidentally rip out.
For now, I'm thinking of using the green one as a 'Book of Cole-isms" (maybe one page per quote/funny saying and a page to chronicle all of his cute mispronunciations), and the yellow notebook for our family traditions.  I may also add a strip of ribbon down the front with enough overhang to use as a "bookmark" - I haven't quite decided yet though.
Anyway, along my journey for "the Perfect Notebook" I also purchased these two "regular sized" notebooks at Target.  I already have plans for the composition notebook.  I love the pattern and it was only $1 so I couldn't pass it up.  
I am going to find a coordinating piece of scrapbook paper to cover the label part so it doesn't look quite so academic.
How cute is that spiral notebook?!  I was immediately drawn to it, but couldn't quite think of a use for it yet.  I flipped it over and saw my favorite sight-- the Target red clearance tag!  So for $.74 I figured I could certainly FIND for a use for it!
I think my favorite notebook cost $2.99 at a store that we don't have here in Connecticut (kinda expensive for a cheapskate like me, but it was SO worth it!)  For $3.74 I was able to grab these 4-- I think I'm O.K. with that.

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What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!