
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Another big reveal!

Please allow me to interrupt our regularly scheduled cheapskate blog to give a quick personal update.  Because many of my readers are people who know me personally, I have to devote a post to a recent (like 2 hours ago) personal update that I did.   But if you get all the way to the end, I do have a cheapskate tip for you!

I FINALLY after 4+  years got a haircut.  A haircut?  This is the big reveal?  Yes.  A haircut.  And yes, this is the big reveal.  You see... when I started calculating in my head I realized that I have had long-- ridiculously long hair for probably ... gulp... 18 years.    In my defense, I haven't really seen my hair much in probably the last 6 or 7 years so I had totally lost track of it.

Everyday without fail my hair has gone directly from shower to tight bun and then down only for the next shower.  It was crazy, but it was easy-- no fuss.  Plus, I couldn't STAND having it down and I kinda liked my look when it was up.   After all these years though it was MORE than time for a change.

So today I went from looking like a hippie, old hag, horse lady with my hair down, to looking somewhat normal.  And I love it!

This is what I looked like EVERY. SINGLE. DAY for the last 7 years:
photo curtesy of an art museum kiddie section where you could change the background to different art prints and take your own photo... long story
Here's what I looked like this weekend when I took my hair down just long enough for it to dry naturally and allow me to take photos.  It went right back up into my "signature bun" (as one of my previous employers dubbed it) immediately after the last photo was taken.    Oh and ps-- I had NO good light or way to take these photos, so please don't critique my photo skills here. :)

yes, I had to squat to get it all in the photo
And here is how I looked this a.m. before leaving for work. I got up an extra hour early this a.m. to straighten it.  (kinda hard to gauge it's length here but if you look closely you can see its kinda pooled up in my lap- gross I know)
yes-- Cole dressed himself this a.m. :)


wait for it............................

Post haircut:  It's not terribly dramatic, but I love it.  I feel like I've lost 20 lbs.  (and I may have) :)

Do you hear the music?  I do.
And with a little wind blowing through the hair...

Oh and as promised, my cheapskate haircut tip.  Take say... 4 years or so, grow your hair as long as you can, then go into the salon and cut off about 2 feet (which is what I did today) and donate it to a charity like Locks of Love.  Your haircut will be FREE (at least mine was)!  :)  The best surprise of all today on my birthday!

So.... what do you think?  (be nice please!)


  1. You look stunning, gorgeous, beautiful and many other flattering words. Your hair looks incredible!

  2. You've always been so beautiful, but this look is so gorgeous and flattering. I love it!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! Really beautiful, Laur!

  4. Wow, what a difference. Your hair looks amazing. My hair looks yours before it was cut. For whatever reason I'm being lazy getting it cut.

  5. Wow, your hair got REALLY long!! I love the new cut! You actually look like Amy Adams in the 'post-cut' photos! :)

  6. I am actually crying! You have always been beautiful, but I can't believe the change in your face too! I am sure my brother is loving it too. Congratulations!

  7. You are all too sweet. I have to say, I'm a little surprised by the response. I thought people might be disappointed that I didn't go shorter or with bangs or shorter layers or something. I'm SUPER happy with it so I'm glad to hear other approve too! :) Thanks all!

  8. I had to post a comment - I love the haircut! I did the same exact thing a few years ago. Mine was almost down the the back of my knees, had been that way for 15 years. I cut three feet off and had hair just a little bit shorter than yours, layered, and just loved it. I have gone a teeny bit shorter every year since I did that, but it's still on my shoulders! I hope you enjoy it and never fall back into the "bun a day" like I did for awhile ;)


What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!