
Saturday, September 17, 2011

I made over my office space for $20.

OK-- first let me start by apologizing AGAIN for being so non-existent.  Life has gotten in the way-- which is OK (because it's all good life things), but I feel bad that I've been neglecting my poor little blog.  Secondly, let me tell you how much I hate starting posts with an apology.  Let's hope this is the last one like this for a long time! :)

Now-- back to the matters at hand.

We are currently renting an apartment while we troll our new home state looking for the right place to settle in for good.  Because of that (and the fact that we are hoping that we won't be here TOO much longer), we don't feel like we can do too much to make over the apartment.  We know we CAN-- that there are lots of non-permanent ways to alter your space-- but we don't want to put in the time and effort only to have to take it down months later-- so for now we live in a builder grade apartment that is not all that much to look at.  Call it 'lazy or call it 'saving all my best stuff for when we buy our next home', but it's what is the right thing for us to do right now.

Having said that, there was one space that I just wasn't comfortable in.  My office space-- my cubicle.
I am one of only a few bloggers that I know that work full time and blog on the side. (notice I said bloggers that I KNOW-- I'm sure there are lots out there-- I'm not claiming to be the only one)   I've always had SOMETHING else in my life besides my full time job and my family-- teaching dance, choreography work, theater-- so I think feel the NEED to fill my time with something else.  I could probably write a whole "therapy" post about that at another time.

Aaannnnywhooo...One day I started thinking about how much time I dedicate to all of the different aspects of my life: full time work-- 10 hours a day (with commute time), prep time (a.m. and dinner prep)-- 2 hours a day, sleep-- 7 hours, time with my son-- 2 hours in the evening (including dinner time), time with my husband-- 4-5 hours (including dinner time).  ps-- don't do this time table thing unless you want to be really depressed. :)
Without question, I spend MOST of my hours during the week at work (8 hours a day during the week), in my cubicle.
Over the years I've worked in a variety of office and cubicle spaces and in my last few locations, I've always tried to make it my own.  In my 7 months at this latest job, I had done very little to make this cubicle my own.
note:  I'll explain the crazy "poster" at a later date.

I had some personal photos and a couple of cute momentos from my family, but that's about it.

One day I decided it wasn't enough.   Even though it's just a cubicle, why shouldn't I love my work space as much as others do?  Plus-- while I've seen LOTS of home office/craft room makeovers in blogland, I've never seen a cubicle makeover.  PERFECT I thought.  I'll be the first! (I do know that I'm probably not the first, but the first that I've seen).  

I did decide right up front though that I didn't want to spend much on it. Well duh right?  I know.   Down the line, if I still feel like it's not enough, I have lots of other ideas of how I could REALLY dramatically transform the space, but... we'll see if it comes to that.  :)

Without further adeiu...

Here's the before again:
And the after:
SO much more fun!  And comfortable.

Once I decided on the color scheme, the rest was pretty easy.    And really the color scheme was pretty easy too-- almost everything in my cubicle is some shade of gray and I love gray and yellow together.

Look how much happier it is!
Obviously I had lots of things that I had to work around-- all the office furniture, layout etc.  If I had a sewing machine and sewing skills, I totally would've liked to have sewn a little office chair slipcover, but alas I do not have either- sewing machine or sewing skills - so my maroon office chair stays.

And yes-- it really only cost me a total of $20 (and eleven cents to be exact).  

A more specific tour of some of the highlights of my office space re-do to come.  And even since the "big reveal" at work, I've been continually tweaking it. I'll show you all those tweaks as we go along as well.  For now I will leave you with one final before and after-- not the MOST dramatic room (space) makeover you've ever seen, but it makes me happy.



Stay tuned for details and project $ breakdown.  I promise it won't be a long wait! :)

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