
Friday, March 25, 2011

I Can't Stop Cutting Up Old T-shirts!

Well... to be honest, these were the first projects I made with old t-shirts so this post is very overdue.  And if you're my friend of facebook, you've already seen these (sorry), but I'm going to link to a 'How To' if you want to make your own.

Here are two necklaces I made using my husband's old t-shirts that he was looking to give away.  (please disregard the poor nature of these photos-- they were taken at the beginning of my "learning to take photos for my blog" adventure-- sorry-- but you get the idea)

The beauty of these is that they were totally FREE to make.  I already had the t-shirts, the chains that I used were old necklaces that I no longer wore, the beads in the white necklace were from an old bracelet that had broken and the felt that you need (see tutorial) I had left over from a craft that I did years ago.  It was bright yellow, so I had to do a bit more "disguise" work with it in the end, but... it totally worked.

I then went on to make a TON of black , white and grey little pom-pom pins for family for Christmas-- they were great , cute little gifts for all the women in the family.  With my husband's 6 sisters, 4 sister-in-laws,  (he's 1 of 11 children-- crazy?--I know! Awesome?--Absolutely!!), and his step-mother, PLUS my sister, my mother, my Aunt and Grandmother, I made a LOT of these pins.  Once the cutting is done (which is total brainless work), they really go quite quickly-- I did 20 (I think) in a couple of hours (cutting time included).

AND because I wasn't quite sure how the project would go (and it was my first real crafting project in quite a while), I didn't create my own tutorial so.... I'll share the love.  I followed this tutorial from Little Miss Momma-- the cutest blogger out there- seriously check her out-- she's adorable!

And if you make one of these necklaces, let me know-- I'd love to see it!


  1. Oh my beautiful! I am totally loving these made with short material--they are amazing! thank you sooooo much for linking back to me! btw: you take great pictures :)


  2. Very cute! I too, am hooked but never thought to do them with shirt material!! Maybe they'd work nice with those t-shirt string necklaces too! :D


    (found you while visiting LMM and now a follower)


What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!