
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I'm STILL obsessed with my coffee filter wreath... and my photo wall.

I've ALWAYS wanted to do a photo collage wall.  Always.  I know this isn't ground breaking or anything, but... I've started.   (Plus it's another chance for me to photograph my coffee filter wreath that I'm still obsessed with).

Notice Cole's contribution to our decor....

Now I'm stalled because I know I have a large box of black frames back in Syracuse so I don't want to BUY more.

Anyway-- I'm super excited because I see good things are happening.  Next steps.

Step 1:  Get black frames from Syracuse (quite possibly happening in 2 weeks)

Step 2:  Find photos to go in black frames.  (I have been working on this already because I can size them to fit the frames when I decide what frames to use)

Step 3:  Frame photos in said black frames (can't wait to get to this step!)

Step 4:  Hang framed photographs

If necessary add "filler" pieces to photo wall as well.

Here are a few inspiration walls that I'm looking at.
photo credit:  primed 4 design

And these from Young House Love:  I probably should have used this "template" trick, but I got too excited.  I guess we'll see what happens once I get the rest of my frames together...
 Template(s) above.  Final frame layout below.

I'll keep you posted on my progress because I know you're all on the edge of your seats. :)


  1. I LOVE your coffee filter wreath! When we build our dream house, I'd like one to build my photo wall around!!! Do you sell them?

  2. PS. When I saw your wreath at your sister's house, I just loved it! In addition to wanting one for my future home, I think they'd also make incredible house-warming gifts and wedding gifts! Soooooo cool!!!!!

  3. Thanks Audrey! I LOVE It too :) I haven't necessarily thought about selling them, but if you decide you really want one, we can certainly talk!

  4. I have a photo wall up my staircase, and I use frames I find offered on, at goodwill, wherever, and just use the free paint samples they offer to paint them all black! I even painted the walls up the stairs white to be a better backdrop ;) We loove our memories wall!


What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!