
Saturday, April 9, 2011

My obsessions continue.

So... ya' know how I have a thing for glass... well-- I added to my collection today.

This a.m. we drove to a neighboring city  to see what "stuff" they have there.  I swear they have ALL my favorite stores --and a Chili's (does anyone else love Chili's chips and salsa as much as we do?)

Cole's not feeling great today so we didn't stay too long, but I did manage to convince the boys that they should stop into Toys R Us (ok-- so it didn't take much convincing) while I ducked into Jo-Ann Fabrics.    We also hit up the Dollar Tree (for some birthday party supplies) and then I took a quick run-thru of the Goodwill store.  I <3 that place!

I hit the jackpot!!  I'm so glad I made them wait in the car while I quickly perused the "stuff" department at Goodwill.  Check these out:

2 apothecary jars + 1 large glass bowl + 1 white ceramic vase = $15!

And the best part about it is that I'm in LOVE with each of them-- not just like -- LOVE!  That's when I know I've made a good purchase.

note: the apple in the following photos is for size reference, not necessarily because I love apples :)
I literally have been looking for something EXACTLY like these for quite a while.  I found one and audibly gasped (luckily there was no one close enough to hear me) and the next shelf over found the other one.  I may or may not have loudly said "Nice!" when I found the second one.  Yes-- I was "that lady" in the Goodwill store.  :)  $3 each!

We had a beautiful dark wood fruit bowl out for fall/winter.  Just putting the fruit in an open and airy glass bowl makes a HUGE difference.  It really feels like Spring!  $5.

And this adorable ceramic vase.  I immediately saw it on my dining room table with tulips in it and I was sold.  $3.

I also got this today at Jo-Ann Fabrics (among other things)-- stay tuned to see what it becomes!   (FYI-- I don't sew but I'm pretty excited to see how this project turns out)


  1. We LOVE Chili's Chips & Salsa! :) Love your new finds too!! :)

  2. I totally have a thing for glass too! I especially love that large glass bowl. You have convinced me I need to get myself to a Goodwill soon. Oh, and I also love the chips and salsa from Chili's - unfortunately all of the Chili's in my state have closed :(


What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!