
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Getting a good photo makes me happy.

OK-- let me start by saying that I know I am a NO photographer, but... getting a good photo makes me REALLY happy and I'm trying to practice a lot to improve my photo taking skills.  I also know that a 'good photograph' is subjective, but I just wanted to share a few photos that I took today that make me happy.  (and yes-- most of them are of my son)  :)

Perfect Fall football day.
My stepson is the QB of his varsity football team-- #12!
Can Transformers play with Barbies? 


Pure fun.

Colors of Fall:

 All boy.

And he's off...

Little sneaks


  1. beautiful pictures, Laura! Love the Little Sneaks. :)

  2. Hi, Laura! I'm happy to let you know that you were one of the winners of the Simply Caked cupcake liner giveaway! Will you please email me at



What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!