
Friday, October 21, 2011

Halloween party

With Halloween just 10 days away I am TOTALLY unprepared this year.  We don't have a costume for Cole (although he knows what he wants to be).  We don't have a "plan" for Halloween night.  We haven't decided if we'll do a Halloween party or not this year...  So while I figure this all out, I'll leave you with images from last year's Halloween party lunch (turned out to not be so much of a party afterall).
Last year my step-son just happened to have a football game down the street from our house the day before Halloween so I got all psyched for a small Halloween party for our family.  Just the hubs, myself and the 4 kids.  Long story short, he ended up having to go back to his school on the bus (an hour away)  and the girls were freezing so they went home to their mom's house too so.... no party.  But since I had all the food ready I set it out anyway-- for the three of us.

So what does a small Halloween party lunch for 2 adults and a 3 year old (at the time) look like.   Well, in my world it looks like this:

Homemade soup, warm and toasty....

Hot out of the oven bone breadsticks with spooky dipping sauce

Cheese and Crackers (and a bowl with no soup)
Crunchy Veggies and Dip

And LOTS of desserts!

Ghost lollipops (devoid of ANY artistic ability)

Festive Marshmellow pops:
And the pièce de résistance...

These ADORABLE Owl Cupcakes
FYI:  separating oreos in an aesthetically pleasing manor is very hard. :)   I know they are a little wonky looking, but I think it gives them "character"... right?
 So... do I do a little Halloween "party" this year for the 3 of us or not... that is the question...  Stay tuned to find out.


  1. love the owl cupcakes. I couldn't even imagining trying to split oreos properly. My owls would have turned out with one black eye.

  2. Very cool, loved the bones! I'll be watching!


What do you think? I love comments, suggestions or new ideas!