Monday, November 21, 2011

A feature on my little ole' cubicle.

When I last left you (ages ago), my cubicle looked like this:
 A big improvement from when my cubicle looked like this:

Well, I still wasn't totally pleased with it so I did a little more tweaking, a little more searching for just the right items and....









Well if you want to see the actual finished product you have to take a little trip with me.  It's a trip that I am VERY excited to share with you.

You see, shortly after I revealed my "new and improved" cubicle space, I got an e-mail from a very cool website The Office Stylist who wanted to feature my cubicle makeover on their website!  MY little cubicle on a BIG TIME website.  SWEET!!!  I'm so excited about it!!!!

(If you just go to The Office Stylist homepage you can find my feature about half way down the page under "Office Space We're Loving" or  from the top drop down menu "Office Profiles".)

So come on over and check it out!  It looks really good (if I do say so myself)!  :)  And don't forget that if you see something you like, I can share how I achieved the look on very little - so if I haven't already answered your questions here, here, here, here or here... just ask!

ps-- thanks for sticking with me after another LONG hiatus.  I'm working on a way to prioritize myself better so I don't loose track of the little 'ole blog anymore.  Stick with me... I'm almost there!


Dave and Kath said...

This week office stylist, next stop......your own show. You had better let me co-host!!!

Anonymous said...

Ey you should seriously check out th pimp my cube contest by contest factory. Not because you need it (cause you cube looks pretty neat, I like the plants - a must), but because yo could possibly do the makeovers for them?!